Uncertainty-Aware Testing-Time Optimization for 3D Human Pose Estimation

Feb 15, 2024·
Ti Wang
Mengyuan Liu
Hong Liu
Bin Ren
Yingxuan You
Wenhao Li
Nicu Sebe
Xia Li
Xia Li
· 0 min read
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Although data-driven methods have achieved success in 3D human pose estimation, they often suffer from domain gaps and exhibit limited generalization. In contrast, optimization-based methods excel in fine-tuning for specific cases but are generally inferior to data-driven methods in overall performance. We observe that previous optimization-based methods commonly rely on projection constraint, which only ensures alignment in 2D space, potentially leading to the overfitting problem. To address this, we propose an Uncertainty-Aware testing-time Optimization (UAO) framework, which keeps the prior information of pre-trained model and alleviates the overfitting problem using the uncertainty of joints. Specifically, during the training phase, we design an effective 2D-to-3D network for estimating the corresponding 3D pose while quantifying the uncertainty of each 3D joint. For optimization during testing, the proposed optimization framework freezes the pre-trained model and optimizes only a latent state. Projection loss is then employed to ensure the generated poses are well aligned in 2D space for high-quality optimization. Furthermore, we utilize the uncertainty of each joint to determine how much each joint is allowed for optimization. The effectiveness and superiority of the proposed framework are validated through extensive experiments on two challenging datasets: Human3.6M and MPI-INF-3DHP. Notably, our approach outperforms the previous best result by a large margin of 4.5% on Human3.6M. Our source code will be open-sourced.
Arxiv 2024